Edwards Crossing over South Yuba River
The Nevada County Department of Public Works is currently studying two alternatives to construct a new two lane bridge over the South Yuba River. The goal of this project is to provide a crossing that meets current standards and has sufficient load capacity to support fire equipment and emergency vehicles, while minimizing impact to the aesthetic appeal of the area.
The bridge is located on North Bloomfield Road and spans the South Yuba River in the South Yuba Wild and Scenic River Recreation Area, which encompasses the national South Yuba River Trail.
Due to emergency vehicle access and evacuation limitations, the initial strategy to rehabilitate the existing bridge was not feasible. Two newly constructed bridge alternatives are being evaluated. Alternative 1 would build a new bridge 60’ upstream from the existing bridge and would not change the current route to and from the bridge. Alternative 2 would build a new bridge 1,000’ upstream at a higher elevation and eliminate the existing hairpin turn on the south side of the river.
Environmental studies are underway to evaluate the potential impacts that each alternative would have on the project area.
Bridge History
The Edwards Crossing Bridge spanning over the South Yuba River was built in 1904. The bridge is a steel truss arch with a timber deck supported on concrete piers. The bridge has a total length of 168'-0" and a width of 12'-6". The bridge is eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.
The structure is currently rated Structurally Deficient. The paint on the bridge has deteriorated, leading to surface rusting. Also, the existing railing has been damaged at various locations. Nevada County is working on solutions to keep the bridge open for pedestrian use and access the river once the new bridge is constructed.
Scope of Project – Bridge Replacement
A rehabilitation of the bridge was initially being considered; however, due to the structural deficiency of the bridge the scope was revised to a bridge replacement project. Details about the project are below:
Construct a new 2-lane bridge at one of two upstream locations. Both alternatives are shown in the photo rendering below.
Consider parking impacts and options for each bridge alternative.
Consider emergency vehicle and evacuation access for each alternative.
Retain existing bridge for pedestrian use and historic preservation.
Project Updates
We are currently evaluating the two project alternatives and a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) is out for public comment. A Notice of Preparation (NOP) for EIR has been filed and two scoping meetings occurred in February 2020.
February 26, 2020 from 6:00-7:30pm at 950 Maidu Avenue in Nevada City.
February 27, 2020 from 6:00-7:30pm at the North Columbia Schoolhouse.
September 29, 2023 to November 14, 2023 receive DEIR comments.
Winter 2023/2024 collaborate with Caltrans on selection of alternative and available funding.
Schedule/Status of Project
December 2014
June 2017
August 2017
August 2017
Summer 2018
August 2019
February 2020
Sept. 29 - Nov. 14, 2023
Summer 2024
Spring 2025
Spring 2028
Fall 2030
Contract awarded to Dokken Engineering to study design alternatives and environmental approval.
Completed feasibility Study of Options.
Finalized rehabilitation concept.
Public meeting held on August 30 at the Board Chambers – resulted in the revised scope.
Revised scope of project from rehabilitation to replacement.
Begin environmental studies.
EIR Scoping Meetings (2).
Circulate environmental document.
Final EIR and select project alternative.
Final design.
Begin construction.
Construction complete.
For more information, please contact:
Patrick Perkins
(530) 265-1712